Legal Terms

Editor and Publisher

922 075 502 RCS PARIS
VAT number: not subject to social
Capital: 500 euros

Publisher: Mrs. Fama DIAGNE
Phone: +33 6 72 77 37 04

Website Hosting: SHOPIFY INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 2nd Floor, 1-2 Victoria Buildings - Haddington Road DUBLIN 4, D04 XN32, IRELAND

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The site constitutes a work of which the company FAMA HAIR COUTURE is the author within the meaning of articles L111.1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. In general, the data, programs, texts, information, logos, visual identities, animated or non-animated images, and their formatting appearing on the site are the property of the company FAMA HAIR COUTURE and are protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. Every user undertakes not to use them and not to allow anyone to use this content for illegal purposes. Any representation or reproduction, total or partial, permanent or temporary, on a computer medium and/or paper, and by any process whatsoever (in particular, by framing*), of any of the elements of the site or services offered for sale, without the prior and express agreement of the company FAMA HAIR COUTURE, is prohibited and constitutes an act of counterfeiting, which may result in civil and/or criminal convictions. Only paper printing is authorized for private copying for the exclusive use of the copier within the meaning of article L122-5 2° of the Intellectual Property Code. No hyperlink to the site may be installed without the prior and express agreement of the company FAMA HAIR COUTURE. *Framing: capturing the content of pages from a website to transfer it to one's own website via a hyperlink, making the said content appear as its own.

The company FAMA HAIR COUTURE declines any responsibility for any malfunctions that may occur on the site and lead to data loss or unavailability of access to the information produced on it.

The elements presented on the site are subject to change without notice and are made available to users without any guarantee of any kind, express or implied. Indeed, the company FAMA HAIR COUTURE reserves the right to evolve its services, including by providing new features or by modifying and/or deleting features that are currently offered to the user from the site.

The presence of hyperlinks on the site—whether or not the prior agreement of the company FAMA HAIR COUTURE exists—does not create joint liability between it and the owners of other sites regarding the content of the sites to which the user is redirected. The company FAMA HAIR COUTURE cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information on the site. Likewise, it cannot guarantee the absence of modification by a third party (intrusion, virus).

In addition, the user is solely responsible for the use he/she makes of the content of the site. Except in cases of exclusive gross negligence by the company FAMA HAIR COUTURE, its liability cannot be engaged for direct and indirect damages related to the use of the information produced on the site.